I'm A Celebrity 2015 cast: who is Lady Colin Campbell? Profile, videos, pictures and more

Name: Lady Colin Campbell


Age: 66

Famous for: Making the royals uncomfortable by writing controversial biographies on Princess Diana and the Queen Mother...

Jungle highlight: Where do we start? Lady C has made quite the impression since touching down in Oz, although our clear favourite so far has been her reaction to being voted to do another Bushtucker Trial.

“I predicted this would happen. Roped in to be sport for the oiks,” she sniffed. Beg yer pardon Ma'am...

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Biography: Born in 1949, Lady Colin Campbell is the first aristocrat to enter the I'm a Celeb Camp. But given her penchant for scandal — she famously wrote a book about Princess Diana which was published in 1992 and detailed her affair with James Hewit — she won't be staying too discreet and lady-like.

As well as royal tittle tattle (true or false) the campers will no doubt hear some other tales too. Born in Jamaica with a genital defect which led to her being brought up as a boy named George William until her late teens, Lady Colin Campbell has certainly had an intriguing life.

Here she is in Channel 4's You Can't Get The Staff, a documentary about posh Brits handling their domestic help...


Here she is talking about the Queen Mother...
